ICNA Bay Area wishes you all a blessed Ramadan and pray that may Allah SWT bestow His mercy and forgiveness on all of us this month inshaAllah. May this Ramadan increase us all in emaan and taqwa, and may we increase in righteous actions and do good deeds sincerely for Allah’s pleasure – Aameen
ICNA In Ramadan
Ramadan in the lockdown
Join an online halaqa or create your own with your friends to read Quran or study an islamic book.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: make a part of your prayers at home. It’s a good time to gather the whole family praying Taraweeh and making Duaa together.
The Prophet (PBUH) in Ramadan would be more generous than a nourishing wind. Make it a habit to give a charity everyday for a different cause. ICNA Bay Area has multiple causes to support (Donate).
By saving the commute time and social gathering, we have some extra time. Let’s use this time to increase our reading of the Quran this year.
Calling your relatives in this hard time is a good opportunity to strengthen the tie of kinship.
This year is a good opportunity to add Tafseer to your daily Ramadan virtus.