Emergency Outreach Against Hate and Islamophobia
In a world where hate is fueled by false information and negative propaganda against Muslims; there is an increase in the number of people who want to learn about Islam. To address this demand,...
In a world where hate is fueled by false information and negative propaganda against Muslims; there is an increase in the number of people who want to learn about Islam. To address this demand,...
Assalamu Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak Dear Brothers and Sisters! May Allah (swt) bless you and your families, during this most auspicious and beautiful month, ameen. ICNA SF Bay Area is committed to strive for...
“Allah (SWT) loves if any of you has done a deed to perfect it.” (Narrated by: Tabarani) Alslam alaikum wa rahmtuallah Dear Bay Area Community, As you are well aware, Islamic Circle of North...
ICNA Bay Area wishes you all a blessed Ramadan and pray that may Allah SWT bestow His mercy and forgiveness on all of us this month inshaAllah. May this Ramadan increase us all in...
Dear ICNA SF Bay Area Volunteers and Supporters, Thank you for your incredible service on Abraham’s Day. It was truly heartwarming to see our community members, from young children to the elderly, all working...
Assalamu alaikum we rahmatullah On October 5th, the ICNA San Francisco Bay Area WhyIslam Dawah and Outreach team held a successful Open House program at Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue. The brightly lit...